Membership Terms and Conditions

Article 1: General Provisions

These “Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center Membership Terms and Conditions” (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") outline the necessary provisions for individuals registering as members (hereinafter referred to as "Members") to use the Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center (abbreviated as "K-NIC," hereinafter referred to as "the Facility"), operated by the Kawasaki City, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (hereinafter referred to as "NEDO"), and the Kawasaki Industrial Promotion Foundation (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Operating Entities").

Article 2: Secretariat

  1. The Operating Entities shall establish a Secretariat for the operation of this facility.
  2. The Operating Entities shall delegate Secretariat tasks to an entity entrusted with the operation of this facility (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrustee "). The Entrustee shall operate the Facility in accordance with the objectives outlined in these Terms.
  3. The Secretariat shall be located within the Facility.

Article 3: Rules and Regulations

  1. The Secretariat, with confirmation from the Operating Entities, shall establish and, as necessary, amend these Terms as rules that members must adhere to when using the Facility. These Terms shall apply to all Members.
  2. The Secretariat shall notify or announce any establishment or amendment of these Terms to Members as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Article 4: Purpose of the Facility

The Facility aims to support entrepreneurs pursuing commercialization their research and development based on proprietary technologies in growth fields, as well as venture companies entering new business fields. It provide necessary support for acquiring information, funding, and human resources, establishing partnerships with business entities, and accelerating the business development and growth of entrepreneurs and venture companies. By doing so, the Facility contributes to building an ecosystem that fosters entrepreneurship.

Article 5: Services Provided by the Facility

  1. To achieve the objectives outlined in Article 4, the Facility provides the following services:
    1. Provision of various information via web, email, social media, and other channels.
    2. Organizing of events and seminars.
    3. Comprehensive consultations on entrepreneurship and startups through consultants (Communicators) and support personnel (Supporters).
    4. Provision of coworking spaces, event spaces, meeting rooms, and materials at the Facility. (Usage of the Facility and its equipment is governed by the separate “Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center Facility Usage Terms and Conditions”)
    5. Support for activities promoting member interactions and innovation, including partner searches, team building, and co-hosting of various events for business development.
    6. Other activities necessary to achieve the Facility’s objectives.
  2. The Secretariat, with confirmation from the Operating Entities, may modify the content of Member services.

Article 6: Membership Types

Membership types for the Facility are defined as follows:

  1. Entrepreneurs and others:

    1. Entrepreneurs and venture companies in the early stages, from aspiring to start a business to immediately after starting a business.
    2. Individuals aiming to become independent from a corporate entity.
  2. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises:

    Individuals aiming for a second entrepreneurial venture within small and medium-sized enterprises.

  3. Individuals Interested in Interaction with Entrepreneurs

    Corporate employees, financial institution personnel, investors, and others seeking to engage with entrepreneurs.

Article 7: Membership Registration

Individuals who wish to become members of the Facility (hereinafter referred to as "Applicants") must apply using the designated online form provided by the Secretariat, agreeing to the contents of these Terms and the separately defined “Privacy Policy.”

Article 8: Membership Period

The validity period of membership shall not be specifically defined.

Article 9: Membership Qualification

Applicants shall obtain membership status upon approval of their application under Article 7 and receipt of notification from the Secretariat.

Article 10: Member Obligations

  1. Members shall not disclose confidential information obtained at the Facility to third parties.
  2. Members are encouraged to actively participate in the Facility’s activities in line with the objectives stated in Article 4.
  3. If intellectual property or other rights may arise fromactivities at the Facility, members must clarify ownership in advance through written agreement between the parties involved.
  4. Members must promptly notify any changes in their registered membership information to the Secretariat.
  5. Members are required to cooperate with the Secretariat’s performance evaluations and other feedback processes.

Article 11: Membership Withdrawa

Members may voluntarily withdraw by submitting a designated withdrawal form to the Secretariat.

Article 12: Costs

  1. Membership registration and Facility usage are generally free of charge. However, members shall bear theactual costs incurred for services such as copier and printer usage, as well as beverages and other supplies.
  2. Certain events and seminars may require participation fees to cover actual costs.

Article 13: Prohibited Actions

Members must not engage in the following actions at the Facility:

  1. Use of the Facility for purposes other than those defined in Article 4.
  2. Engaging in solicitation or brokerage activities targeting other members or third parties using the Facility.
  3. Infringing on the rights or interests of other members or third parties.
  4. Discrimination, defamation, or damaging the reputation or credibility of other members or third parties.
  5. Violation of these Terms, other related Facility rules, public order and morals, laws, or criminal statutes, or engaging in actions deemed inappropriate by the Secretariat.

Article 14: Loss of Membership Qualification

Members shall lose their membership qualification if the Secretariat determines that the member falls undert any of the following conditions and notifies the member accordingly:

  1. Violation of these Terms
  2. Actions that damagethe Facility’s reputation or contradict its objectives.
  3. Failure to respond to communications from the Secretariat, or other circumstances indicating a lack of intent to maintain membership.
  4. Any other legitimate reasons determined by the Secretariat.

Article 15: Disclaimer

The Operating Entities and the Secretariat do not guarantee or bear any responsibility for any disputes or damages resulting from the business negotiations, transactions, contracts, among members participating in the Facility.

Article 16: Termination of Membership Services

  1. The Secretariat, with confirmation from the Operating Entities, may terminate membership services.
  2. The Operating Entities and the Secretariat shall be exempt from liability for service termination by notifying members in advance of the service's discontinuation.

Supplementary Provisions

These Terms shall be effective from July 18, 2019.

Revision History

Enacted: March 1, 2019 (First Edition)

Revised: July 18, 2019 (Second Edition)