These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center (abbreviated as "K-NIC") by its members (hereinafter referred to as "the Facility").
Article 1: Membership
Individuals eligible to use the Facility, including its equipment and communication environment (hereinafter referred to as "Members"), must:
- Agree to these Terms and Conditions, the separately stipulated "Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center Membership Terms," and the "Personal Information Protection Policy" as specified in the designated online format.
- Submit an application to the organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Secretariat") entrusted with the Facility's operations by Kawasaki City, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (hereinafter referred to as "NEDO"), and the Kawasaki Industrial Promotion Foundation (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Operating Entities").
- Be deemed suitable for membership by the Secretariat.
Article 2: Purpose of Use
Members may use the Facility, including its equipment and communication environment, free of charge for activities related to:
- Preparing for entrepreneurship and business startups.
- Supporting the growth of entrepreneurs and venture companies.
- Networking and interaction with other entrepreneurs and venture companies.
Article 3: Restrictions on Facility Usage
The Secretariat reserves the right to deny Facility usage if a Member's activities fall under any of the following categories. Members must understand the purpose of the Facility's operation and work collaboratively with other Members to ensure safety management of the Facility.
- Activities conducted for political or religious purposes.
- Activities related to hobby, cultural interest group.
- Activities related to student or alumni association .
- Use by organization involved in antisocial activities.
- Activities deemed likely to inconvenience or disrupt other Members.
- Activities deemed likely to damage the Facility's equipment or furnishings.
- Activities deemed disruptive to the management or operation of the Facility.
- Use for purposes other than those outlined in the preceding Article.
- Any other purposes deemed inappropriate by the Secretariat based on the Facility’s usage conditions.
Article 4: Facility Usage Reception
- Members must record their name and entry time at the Facility reception using the designated method and similarly record their exit time upon leaving.
- Members must always wear the usage receipt provided upon entry to the Facility.
Article 5: Facility Location and Hours of Operation
5th Floor, Kanagawa Prefecture
Muza Kawasaki Central Tower, 1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki City, -
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Reception closes at 5:00 PM)
Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays.
Temporary Closures:
The Facility may be temporarily closed if the Operating Entities or Secretariat determine that operations are hindered due to maintenance, inspections, natural disasters, or other reasons.
Article 6: Available Equipment and Furnishings
Members may use the following equipment and must comply with the following rules:
- Power Supply (standard 100V) are provided. Members may use one outlet per person via a power strip for powering devices such as PCs.
- Wireless LAN is available, and members are responsible for their own security measures.
- Air conditioning and lighting are shared resources, The temperature and brightness adjustments are managed by the Secretariat.
- Smoking is prohibited throughout the Facility and the building; no smoking areas are provided within the premises.
- Members must take all their waste with them. Bringing in or leaving garbage is strictly prohibited
- Parking in the building's parking lot must adhere to its terms of usage
- Copy machines and printers are available upon request at the reception counter and are charged at cost.
- Eating and drinking are allowed only in designated areas. Members must responsibly to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the Facility. The Secretariat reserves the right to deny Facility use if deemed inappropriate.
Article 7: Compliance Obligations
Members must comply with the following obligations:
- Members must use the Facility and its equipment with due care.
- If a Member damages, stains, or loses Facility equipment or furnishings, or causes harm to another Member, they must immediately report the incident to the Secretariat and follow its instructions. In such cases, Members are responsible for compensating the Facility and/or affected parties for the damages incurred.
- Members are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into the Facility unless prior approval is obtained from the Secretariat for events such as receptions or seminars.
Article 8: Disclaimers
- The Operating Entities and the Secretariat are not liable for compensating damages caused by a Member damages or stains other Member’s property.
- The Operating Entities and the Secretariat are not liable for theft, damage, or loss of Members’ property during the use of Facility, regardless of the cause.
- The Operating Entities and the Secretariat are not liable for damages caused by fire, theft, or equipment failure or other incidents unless caused by intentional or gross negligence.
- The Operating Entities and the Secretariat are not responsible for damages incurred by Members due to unforeseeable accidents, natural disasters, or government directives that the Facility is unusable..
- The Operating Entities and the Secretariat are not liable for damages caused by device malfunctions, data loss, or leakage resulting from the use of Facility’s power supply, wireless LAN or other utilities.
Article 9: Amendments to the Terms and Conditions
The Secretariat may amend these Terms and Conditions with confirmation from the Operating Entities. Any changes will be notified to Members or publicly announced..
Supplementary Provisions
These Terms and Conditions shall come into effect on August 19, 2019.
Amendment History
Enacted: March 1, 2019 (First Edition)
Revised: August 19, 2019 (Second Edition)
Revised: April 1, 2021 (Third Edition)